Udine to Cividale del Friuli

Ponte del Diavolo - The Devils Bridge - Cividale del Friuli

What a wonderful evening in Udine. We went to Osteria al Vecchio Stallo, rustic local dishes, for dinner and met a wonderful family, 3 generations, at the table next to us. We had a great time conversing and laughing. This is Nora and Devon, they bonded right away.

Nora's gift of a rose to Devon.

A picture of the whole family. The woman next to me was a lot of fun. Sorry I can't remember her name, but she spoke good English with a proper accent. Great fun.

Another picture of just carrying on. 

A wonderful plate of Cjalsons Burro e Ricotta. A local stuffed pasta. Absolutely wonderful

Here is a split plate of Musetto Brovada. A sausage made out of a pigs nose. I love to experiment and eat odd local dishes so I had to try it. We didn't know what to expect, we had visions of nostrils on our plates. Instead it was a sausage but actually quite different. It was a very rich flavor with a gelatinous texture. It was quite good. I am glad we split it as I may have needed to use some nitroglycerin for my heart.

We are starting to really enjoy the Amaro after dinner. It's an herbal,bitter type of drink.

On the way home after dinner.

A beautiful little waterfall and cyclist scene.

If you play this video a number of times in a row it looks like an adult bird feeding a chick!!!! LOL!!!

Riding down the road.

Entering Cividale del Friuli

Packing the bags up to the 4th floor. The 5th floor in the US. In Italy and much of Europe the 1st floor is actually the 0 floor.

Our apartment, nice but a bit tired. 

You can tell we are the foothills of the Alps by the color of the water and the topography of the land.

Beautiful quaint streets. 
We are off to Gorizia in the morning. 


  1. Peter Geerlofs here (not sure how to comment with my Google acct yet). Amazing blog you guys. Nice combo of pics of places, people, food and video of travelling. Very entertaining—and the trip looks incredible. Love the map feature as well. Can really visualize your trip.

    1. Thanks Peter, I am really happy your enjoying the blog. It has been a bit of work and I wonder how many people are actually following it. So your comment, and self identification, is well appreciated. But I am also doing this for Devon and I so we can remember what the hell we did on this trip.

  2. Devon and Jim these pictures and videos are wonderful. I can see from your smiles that you are having a wonderful time. Keep them coming! I want to revisit Italy after seeing all these pics. We just returned home from Nashville. Lots of fun and beautiful area, too. Take care and safe journey. Patti & Marty

    1. Thanks Patti, take a look at the Gorizia Post of Devon being "Born to be Wild"

  3. I'm so happy you're meeting nice people on the road! Have fun <3 See you in Bologna (dinner at our home?) at the end of your travel ! Mery

    1. Thank you Mery. And we have met some very nice people on the trip. That's what makes it special. You and Robert have really made it special and we are looking forward to dinner at your place in Bologna.

    2. Thank you Mery. And we have met some very nice people on the trip. That's what makes it special. You and Robert have really made it special and we are looking forward to dinner at your place in Bologna.

  4. Good morning Devon and Jim ! BeUtiful pictures and I am looking at all off them ! Devon you look really good ! You haven't changed much ! I think it is great you can do this ! Keep it up !

  5. (Mike Shultz). What a wonderful ride you are having. The Devil’s Bridge I looks to be an Engineering marvel. Everything is quiet on GPR. Am enjoying following your trip.


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