Trieste to Izola, Slovenia

Nightlife in Trieste. We love it!!! Here is Devon in the bar just below our apartment. A glass of decent red wine is 2 euros and bruchetta munchies 1 euro. So to say the least the place gets packed. Atleast 100 people every night below our windows.

The tavern below our window before the crowd arrives.

Bernhart or Bernie and our first lesson on the Vaffanculo!!!!!!!! So just imagine you're in a foreign country in a super packed out bar and you meet a fun and interesting person to socialize with. That's Bernie, a German native now living in Hungary. After about a half an hour of visiting, his girlfriend shows up from nowhere and gets into his face, raises her arm with the middle finger up and the other arm crossing her elbow, in true italian style, and says to him VAFFANCULO like 3 times, inches from his face, then leaves. I wasnt sure what she actually said but I asked Bernie, did she just tell you to "F" Off. He said yes. Over the next hour she came back atleast 4 times screaming VAFFANCULO inches from his face, with a large crowd in awe, then vanishing. I truly felt sorry for him and he handled it in a manner I don't think I could have. We continued to drink and converse as though nothing had happened but then I had to ask what the F is going on. So now that Devon knows the term and how to use it, my ears are full of it. LOL.
Two thousand year old Roman theater that was entirely built over with residences and was discovered about 75 years ago and is still being excavated and preserved.

A gigantic spring planting street market selling flowers and anything you can imagine for planting. It went on for atleast 8 city blocks. Devon will have many of the pics on her Facebook, have a look there. Trieste is a wonderful place to visit. It was way better than we both expected. 2 thumbs up.

A marina on a river right next to the Adriatic

Eating our go to canned tuna vegetable mixed lunch. Starting to get a bit bored with it.

The ride to Izola had some short steep hills leaving Trieste but overall it was a city ride most of the way and not alot of fun. When we crossed into Slovenia it was incredible how well they handled bicycle lanes. They even had round abouts just for bicycles. They really have it together. 

Just before reaching Izola we stopped for a beer on a bike trail along the sea. Our bikes in the background. A lovely stop.

IZOLA, an incredible place. It is obviously a tourist destination, but in the off season it is unbelievable. 

Izola's narrow streets. No cars allowed.

A lot of interesting scenes around every corner.

Our cozy little house with a wood stove to heat it. A very fun place.

The harbor of Izola at sunset.

A nice street bar. This particular wine bar had an excellent house red for the price of 7 euros for 2 glasses. Most of the time we are getting 2 glasses of good, not excellent, wine for 3 euros total. 1.5 euros each. It is almost free.

One cozy street bar after another tucked in the narrow streets. How can you not stop and have a glass at each one.

Here is the map of our ride. We are off to Buje, Croatia tomorrow on the Parenzana Rail Route.
