Udine to Bassano del Grappa to Vicenza (Video included)

Castello di Marostica. A wonderful castle above the town of Marostica. Its walls crawl  down the mountain side to encircle the city.

There are steps along the wall for the hike to the top.

Alberta Foccardi a Venician Poet. We had a fun time speaking with her even though we can't speak Italian and she doesn't speak English. It is truly amazing how people can communicate without being able to speak the same language.

I keep posting these dinner shots of fun evenings. I guess I do that because these are the things you remember. Here we are in an Osteria in Bassano del Grappa.

Here is a wooden bridge, including the structure into the water. This is where the story gets interesting.  As most of you know I have an ability,  perhaps, to say things too openly when I shouldn't. Well, Devon and I are in a restaurant for dinner talking about our cycling. The table next to us seated a couple that were heavily flirting with each other. He was German and she Italian. Devon picked up immediately that he was wearing a wedding ring and she wasn't.  Of course I didn't pick up on that. We started talking with them, in English, when he heard us talking about cycling. One thing led to another, as we chatted, when I asked about how often he visited Bassano del Grappa. He said quite often since he travels to Italy for work.  I then said that must work out well since you have your girlfriend here. They both giggled and seemed like, oh shit, busted. After that short awkward moment Devon looks at me and says what the "F" did you say that for, he's married.  Oopps!!! We're still laughing about it.

The following is a short video of our travels leaving Udine on the train to Treviso where we then rode to Bassano del Grappa were we spent great nights. From there we cycled to Vicenza for another two nights.

Can anyone guess what movie the music is from in the video.

The straight line on the maps represents the train ride. We paused the cycle computers for the train ride and thus the straight line.


  1. (Mike Shultz) wonderful pictures. I especially liked the wall descending from the castle. It does not appear to have a handrail though.

    1. Devon and I would have loved to have climbed the stairs of the wall but not enough time or energy in the day.


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